Q: "An Other Place is somewhat of a different book for you. How do you feel, sending this new story on into the world? Nervous? Excited?"
A: "Very nervous! I genuinely had no idea what the response to this one would be. It covers so much ground, and is so different to anything else out there, that I was afraid that readers would give up on it halfway through in their droves. A general reaction has yet to be determined, but the first couple of reviews have been excellent, so hopefully they’re an indicator of good things to come. Or else those two reviewers are just as warped and rare as myself!"
That's a snippet from an interview I gave to The Literary Connoisseur. Since I gave the interview, several more reviews for the book have come in, and they've all been glowing, so it looks as though there are more "warped" readers out there than I had anticipated -- hurrah for warpedness!!!!!
You can read the full interview here: http://theliteraryconnoisseur.blogspot.ie/2016/11/an-interview-with-new-york-times.html
The Literary Connoisseur also reviewed An Other Place. To find out what they made of it, click here: http://theliteraryconnoisseur.blogspot.ie/2016/12/an-other-place-by-darren-dash.html